In the Media

“From alpacas to yaks, mammal DNA yields its secrets” April 27, 2023, The New York Times

“Mammal genome project cracks mysteries of evolution” April 27, 2023, The Washington Post

“Welcome to the mammalverse: scientists sequence DNA from 240 species around the world” April 27, 2023,  NPR

“One more thing we have in common with cats” July 28, 2021. The Atlantic

“The underappreciated importance of cats (to medical science)” July 28, 2021. The New York Times

Copy Cats: Improved Cat Genomes Highlight Remarkable Similarities Within the Feline Family. January 11, 2021. Pac Bio Blog.

Why cats have 9 lives: high quality genome helps identify novel cause of dwarfism. October 22, 2020 EurekAlert/AAAS, Science Daily

Cats in trees – Editors Choice | Science

Bull Y Science Daily

A mitochondrial genetic divergence proxy predicts the reproductive compatibility of mammalian hybrids – Phys Org

Spatiotemporal Genetic Diversity of Lions Reveals the Influence of Habitat Fragmentation Across Africa – Science Daily

A comparative genomics multitool for scientific discovery and conservation – Science Daily Zoonomia Website – the paper

The palaeontology of rocks and clocks and zombie lineages. April 11, 2018. The Guardian

Scientific advisor for the article “Out of the Shadows, the Wildcats You’ve Never Seen”, in National Geographic Magazine, February 2017 issue.

Ligers and Tigons, oh my! Cat lineage littered with interbreeding. January 15, 2016. LiveScience

“Puzzle of Darwin’s ‘strangest animals’ finally solved”. March 18, 2015. Science

“‘I can haz genomes’: cats claw their way into genetics”. January 14, 2015. Nature news

“The genes that turned wildcats into kitty cats”. November 10, 2014. Science

“Cat genome reveals clues to domestication”. November 10, 2014. ScienceDaily

Article cited as one of “Three Revolutions in Tree building”, pp 186-187 in Aristotle’s Ladder, Darwin’s Tree: The Evolution of Visual Metaphors for Biological Order (J.D. Archibald, 2014).

Article cited in Extinction and Radiation: How the Fall of Dinosaurs Led to the Rise of Mammals (J.D. Archibald, 2011, Johns Hopkins University Press).

“How dataset creates the mammal tree of life”. September 29, 2011. com

“Researchers develop first ever evolutionary ‘Tree of Life’ for mammals”. September 23, 2011. Sify News

“Tigers evolved with snow leopards, gene study reveals”. February 12, 2010. BBC

“No genome left behind”. November 6, 2009. Science News Focus

“Cousin who? Gliding mammals may be primates’ nearest kin”. October 31, 2007. Science News

“Flying lemurs are primates’ closest kin”. November 1, 2007. National Geographic News

“Gliding mammal linked to humans”. November 2, 2007. BBC news

“Gliders in the family”. November 2, 2007. Student Science

Flying mammal is closest primate relative”. November 7, 2007. New Scientist

“Few new species emerged after dinosaur’s demise”. March 28, 2007. New York Times

“The History of Chromosomes May Shape the Future of Diseases”. August 30, 2005. The New York Times.

“Modern phylogeneticists branch out”. June 2, 2003. The Scientist

“Cats and humans share similar X chromosomes”. April 21, 2000. Genome News Network

Why cats are seXY”. December 27, 1999. EurekAlert!